Architectural Restoration

    • Iconic Column

      Our biggest range of Stone carved pillars in Gothic, Edwardian and English style are skilfully designed by our craftsman This will look beautiful in any modern or contemporary houses. These pillars are designed in many different patterns, styles and architectural trends. Roman Column. Inquire for further details.

    • Gothic Gate Post

      Available in cast iron & cast aluminium.

    • Warington Mirror

      Distressed finished. Simple looking frame made from reclaimed timber.

    • Balustrade 0218

      Add glory to your balcony and fences.We bring you Ancient Heritage looking Railings, Balustrades, Panels & Spears in Cast iron. Cast iron railings have been inspired by 19th century designs, originating in Falkirk at the famous Sun Foundry, circa 1892.Crafted in solid cast iron with an equal passion and using the same traditional foundry techniques as those that made the originals, they represent the finest quality available today. We have more than 600 panels designs and patterns in Railings, Panels & Balustrades to suit any modern, classical or restoration properties. All designs are available in cast iron & cast aluminium.For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • Newel 038

      Add glory to your balcony and fences.We bring you Ancient Heritage looking Railings, Balustrades, Panels & Spears in Cast iron. Cast iron railings have been inspired by 19th century designs, originating in Falkirk at the famous Sun Foundry, circa 1892.Crafted in solid cast iron with an equal passion and using the same traditional foundry techniques as those that made the originals, they represent the finest quality available today. We have more than 600 panels designs and patterns in Railings, Panels & Balustrades to suit any modern, classical or restoration properties. All designs are available in cast iron & cast aluminium.For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • Balustrade 0175

      Add glory to your balcony and fences.We bring you Ancient Heritage looking Railings, Balustrades, Panels & Spears in Cast iron. Cast iron railings have been inspired by 19th century designs, originating in Falkirk at the famous Sun Foundry, circa 1892.Crafted in solid cast iron with an equal passion and using the same traditional foundry techniques as those that made the originals, they represent the finest quality available today. We have more than 600 panels designs and patterns in Railings, Panels & Balustrades to suit any modern, classical or restoration properties. All designs are available in cast iron & cast aluminium.For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • Cresting CADCR0205

      Add glory to your balcony and fences.We bring you Ancient Heritage looking Railings, Balustrades, Panels & Spears in Cast iron. Cast iron railings have been inspired by 19th century designs, originating in Falkirk at the famous Sun Foundry, circa 1892.Crafted in solid cast iron with an equal passion and using the same traditional foundry techniques as those that made the originals, they represent the finest quality available today. We have more than 600 panels designs and patterns in Railings, Panels & Balustrades to suit any modern, classical or restoration properties. All designs are available in cast iron & cast aluminium.For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • Acanthus Corner Lace

      These Simple Victorian brackets are made from cast iron & cast aluminium. They are very versatile, not only do they look great but they are functional. These would be ideal to use with any verandah and many of them are used to mount for lamppost & wall mounting lantern. These original Victorian pattern brackets are casted and supplied from Indian foundry. For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • Wise man Corner Lace

      These Simple Victorian brackets are made from cast iron & cast aluminium. They are very versatile, not only do they look great but they are functional. These would be ideal to use with any verandah and many of them are used to mount for lamppost & wall mounting lantern. These original Victorian pattern brackets are casted and supplied from Indian foundry. For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • O’connell Corner Lace

      These Simple Victorian brackets are made from cast iron & cast aluminium. They are very versatile, not only do they look great but they are functional. These would be ideal to use with any verandah and many of them are used to mount for lamppost & wall mounting lantern. These original Victorian pattern brackets are casted and supplied from Indian foundry. For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • Grapevine Corner Lace

      These Simple Victorian brackets are made from cast iron & cast aluminium. They are very versatile, not only do they look great but they are functional. These would be ideal to use with any verandah and many of them are used to mount for lamppost & wall mounting lantern. These original Victorian pattern brackets are casted and supplied from Indian foundry. For more designs please download our catalogue.

    • Gothic Gate

      A very gothic looking wrought iron gate. Made in traditional forged techniques.We specialise in custom design. Yes we can make your design as well. For more details please download our catalogue.

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